#i am sooooo sleep deprived you don't even know
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mangostarjam · 1 year ago
late night confessions — kaiju no. 8, fluff, "sweetheart" as a pet name, hoshina soshiro x female reader, 1.6k words, sequel to this fic + part three
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Something is a little… off. 
You clutch your longtime crush's borrowed jacket in your hands, rumpling the fabric as you shift your weight. The door to Vice Captain Hoshina Soshiro's room is shut, but you know he's in there — not that you've been… keeping tabs or anything, but he just got off duty and dinner was an hour ago so where else could he be? 
In the training rooms again, overworking — but no, he pinky promised you just this morning that he'd go to bed on time tonight. 
All you need to do is knock. One of the perks of being Vice Captain means he has his own room, so you wouldn't be disturbing anyone else. True, he didn't exactly invite you to his room today, but he's been… avoiding you. A little bit. 
Okonogi thinks it's all in your head. You confessed to her after she cornered you about your new pet name, and she's been championing your relationship developments ever since. "You don't see the way he looks at you sometimes! And didn't you just talk this morning?" 
But besides calling you "sweetheart" in public — always in that light, casual tone he uses with pretty much everyone except higher ups — Soshiro hasn't made any moves to acknowledge that night in the training room. He doesn't even stand that close to you anymore. 
That's… bad, right? What if he's changed his mind? What if he's come to realize that he doesn't want you like that — but he can't figure out how to reject you, especially not when you work so closely together — 
"Argh, this is why relationships are frowned upon in the Defense Force," you mutter, shoving your face into the jacket in your hands. 
"Huh? What're you doin' here, sweetheart?" 
Shoot. Stupid Vice Captain and his stupid light feet and the stupid doors being so well maintained you didn't even hear it open. 
"I came to return your jacket, sir." 
You hold it out and resolutely focus on his neck, directly in your line of sight. It's missing the skintight turtleneck of his fighting shirt, which means… he's in casual clothes. Your gaze dips down slightly to confirm this and… you find nothing. 
Instead, your eyes drag over miles of smooth, densely packed muscle covered by pale, scarred skin, visible reminders of the many battles he's faced and the numerous kaiju he's slayed. Oh, shit. 
You close your eyes. "I apologize, sir, I didn't mean to disturb you! Please —" 
"Aw, you're givin' it back? I liked seein' you in it." 
You feel his hands wrap around yours and peek open your eyes slowly, doing your best to keep them on his neck. Not that it's really much of a safe spot to look, when the strong column of his throat just meets the sharp cut of his jawline and before you know it you're glancing up at his lips which are… frowning. 
Why's he frowning? 
"Y-you do? Sir?" 
"Come inside, will ya?" Soshiro says, tugging you in and kicking the door shut with his foot before you can protest. "There. Now we're alone." 
He says it expectantly, raising an eyebrow when you gape at him. "S-sir?" 
Soshiro's frown deepens. The adrenaline rushing through your veins is making you jumpy, and you're sure he can feel your hands twitch in his grasp. 
"I said it was fine when we're alone, right?" 
What is he…? Oh. Oh. 
Soshiro's frown lightens and he sighs, releasing your hands and taking the jacket. You watch, brain swirling, as he hangs it up neatly and pulls on a loose t-shirt. Silently you mourn the loss of the view, but the way his arm muscles bunch and stretch as he moves more than makes up for it. He must've just finished in the bath — he's wearing black track pants that ride low on his hips, and his hair is still a little damp. 
"Was anyone givin' you a hard time? About my jacket?" 
It takes you a second to register his words, and you shake your head quickly. "No, nobody said anything, I just… felt bad for borrowing it for so long. I thought you might want it back." 
"It wasn't that long…" 
You stare up at him. Is he… is he pouting? 
The urge to giggle bursts out before you can help it, and Soshiro's expression lightens at the sound. "You're so cute when you laugh." 
Heat burns along your cheeks. So he still thinks you're cute! All hope is not lost! "Is there… is there something bothering you, Hoshina-kun?" 
Surprise flits across his face before he smothers it down with a grin. "Now, why would ya think that? Everythin's just peachy!" 
The hum of air conditioning kicks on and fills the room with a low buzz. It's your first time inside Soshiro's room, but you aren't surprised that he keeps it neat and tidy. There's a low shelf filled with books, and his bed is made with not a wrinkle in sight. He's left the overhead light off and only flicked on the lamp at his bedside, so the corners are bathed in shadows. 
You fix him with a glare and watch with satisfaction as he gulps. You're tired of dancing around the subject, and apparently Soshiro is a master at deflection and compartmentalizing. "Don't lie to me, Hoshina-kun. You haven't been… the same, lately. Do you… Are you trying to reject me?" 
Soshiro's grin slips off his face and his red eyes widen. "So you were confessin'? That wasn't me gettin' my hopes up?" 
"Wha— what did you think it was?" you ask, flabbergasted. Is he serious right now? The furrow of his eyebrows tells you yes. "I told you that you're the only one allowed to call me a pet name! And that you stress me out! I held your hand!" 
"Well," Soshiro winces, "I know the job's stressful, so I thought it was that. And maybe you were just lettin' me call you 'sweetheart' 'cause you didn't wanna get mixed up with Okonogi. 'Sides… it was late. Maybe you just didn't wanna trip on the walk back." 
He's got his hands shoved deep into the pockets of his track pants. His shoulders are a little hunched, and he's still watching every confused and exasperated expression cross your features, but somehow you still surprise him when you take a few steps forward to cup his face in your hands. 
Your palms are warm. Your thumbs sweep along his cheekbones soothingly and he leans into the touch. "I really, really like you, Hoshina-kun." 
"You do? Even though I'm only good with blades?" 
You squish his cheeks in surprise. "How is that even relevant?" 
Soshiro reaches up to pull your hands away from his face so that he can speak. "I was just thinkin'... I know I've got my work cut out for me, choosin' this path of mine, but that doesn't mean you've gotta walk it, too. You could pick anyone else — a civilian, so you don't hafta worry 'bout them riskin' their lives, or another Defense Force member who can actually use a gun —" 
"Hoshina Soshiro," you say firmly. His eyes widen in surprise, but he stops talking. "Begging your pardon, Vice Captain, sir, but please shut up. I like you for a whole bunch of reasons, and you don't get to decide that I should choose someone else just because you're feeling self conscious." 
"Even if I've got beady eyes and a bowl cut?" 
"I'm going to kick Captain Narumi's ass the next time we visit the First Division," you grumble, but a corner of your mouth lifts as Soshiro laughs. Man, just watching him laugh makes your stomach swoop. "You know I think you're hot, right?" 
"Did you seriously not notice me trying not to check you out like five minutes ago?" 
"Y-you were? Wow, I've got one cute admirer." 
You drop his hands and sink into a crouch, burying your face into your arms with a muffled groan. Now that the issues have been aired out, you can feel your adrenaline leaving you in a rush. Soshiro goes down on his knees an instant later, hitting the floor with a thunk, yanking your arms free so that you're facing him properly. "Hold on, sweetheart, what was that?" 
"Hoshina-kun, do you like me?" 
Soshiro's face turns charmingly pink. You want to take that as a "yes", but you wait as he sits back on his heels and scratches at the side of his face. "Ain't it obvious?" 
You put your face in your arms again. The long ends of your lab coat are pooled around you, and Soshiro is careful to avoid pinning you in place as he leans forward to tug at your hair. The hum of the air conditioner clicks off and you sit in silence for a moment. 
"Are we dating now?" 
You lift your head to glare at him incredulously. "No." Maybe you should be nicer about this — it's clear your Vice Captain is in over his head, no matter how easily he seemed to be teasing you before. "You haven't even confessed yet!" 
There's a beat of silence, and then —
"I like you." Soshiro looks determined in spite of the redness of his ears. "I think you're funny, and cute, and brilliant. You're always supportin' me and the lil' fledglings, and you make me feel like... I exist. Even though we could die at any moment fightin' kaiju, you make me happy." Soshiro pauses and rubs at the back of his head sheepishly. "Yikes, that was kinda sappy." 
Heat burns through your body. You can't help the silly smile that spreads across your face. "Yeah? I guess we can date now." 
"Good." The hand at your hair slides forward to cup the back of your neck. Soshiro grins, his entire body unwinding with the release of tension as he leans forward. "'Cause I ain't ever givin' up my spot at your side." 
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mars-ipan · 8 months ago
sooooo. remember when i was posting about being up way too late for a powerpoint thing i was doing with friends? yeah i'm posting that final powerpoint now.
allow me to introduce you all to...
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(aka a demonstration in unmedicated ADHD)
120 slides. 163 MB. somewhere between 14 and 22 hours of work. sleep deprivation. influence from @anonzentimes , respected komahina scholar. this bad baby has it all this is a powerpoint presentation summarizing and analyzing just about everything you need to know about komahina in sdr2 (and a bit from adjacent media as well). we go in-depth and we prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that komahina real and love wins (loses?)
ok cool! some other things to keep in mind under the cut:
i made this powerpoint in two sittings across 2 days, each sitting about 8-12 hours long
i got about 7 total hours of sleep in that time. not for each day- total. i was mad scientist delirious by the end of this
originally, i wanted to include far more- i wanted to analyze other media in depth (like the stageplays, the drama CD, komaeda's official songs, and even official art and materials) but i did not have the time for it. maybe i will make a new testament powerpoint detailing these as well as fandom analysis but that is not currently in the works
this is a presentation! as such the intended way to consume it is As A Presentation! unfortunately i am not someone who records videos so i cannot present it to you. if you would like to present it to you feel free. if you would like to present it to your friends feel free. if you would like to present it to the internet i'm honored but would like for you to talk to me about it first. cool
the original target audience for this was my friends and not all of them are anime people so. i am using the more english-friendly terms (as well as first names). i don't think this will bug any of you but i'm making it clear anyways
all art included in the presentation is credited with a caption linking back directly to the original artist's account. if you see your art in here and you do not want your art in here: let me know! i will take it down immediately and without question.
i may have missed some details/glossed over some things! if you think i've made a mistake somewhere or have missed something important, talk to me about it! i'd love to discuss it and if i make the new testament sequel powerpoint then i will include your corrections at the beginning :)
a lot of the jokes i make happen in the transitions of this powerpoint. some of them use audio- click on the little speaker icon to play the audio and time the animations yourself i suppose. i'd recommend playing it as a slideshow ^-^
have any questions about a particular point i make? ask me! i will elaborate for you
ok that's all i can think of!! have fun folks :]
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tunastime · 11 months ago
TUNA TUNA TUNA TUNA TUN- *trips and falls on my face*
That docsuma fic huh HUH , I absolutely LOVED it you don't even know how hungry I am for those two interacting, especially in dbhc au
You just kinda know when to post these I guess since I've been thinking about dbhc docsuma lately and this fic saved me
and just to put it into perspective, I am a person who prefers oneshots drabbles stuff like that, you know short stuff, whenever it's a longer fic I need to take breaks y' know but you have accomplished something that almost no one could because you made me read the whole +3000 words fic in one sitting and then I even re-read it which I NEVER do, so that's how good your writing is I guess wow....- there aren't many authors who can put such realistic images in my head when I read something
also props for writing sleep deprived/exhausted Xisuma so realistically - It's a popular thing in xisuma-centric fics but DAMN you definetely know how to write it properly, in a way that really makes me enjoy the fic. I like how you portrayed that feeling of when you, like, flow from sleep to concious state when you're tired it's just MMMMMM (need to add that descriptions of Doc's feelings are really sweet he's such a silly guy he's so confused <3 also how much he cares for X is so cute <333)
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^ this sleepy derp invaded my computer today so I'm handing him back to you
Sorry for the long ramble! Just needed to tell you how much I enjoyed reading it, it made my day for sure!
PICKS YOU UP AND PUTS YOU BACK ON YOUR FEET. GRABS YOUR SHOULDERS. MAY MAY MAY MAY I'm going to explode into one billion small pieces!!!!!
FIRST OF ALL. XISUMA. XISUMA IN MY ASK BOX? HE IS SO PRECIOUS TO ME?? ;.; ohh the way he looks so so tired and comfortable, and the lighting is so soft, I adore him so much.
gimme a second I need to lie down. brother, I am CRAZY about them on such a fundamental level brother it is NOT OKAY. I'm not okay. I needed to post this as soon as possible so people knew that KJSHDFJKDSHF
but also, WAUGH?? WAU!! I'm so so honored... I'm always a multiple sitting reading girlie because I get either so so sucked in and NEED to stop myself, or I'm reading at such an inopportune time LOL. BUT THAT IS SO SWEET. AUGH. I'm so so glad when I get something across (like sleepy xisuma, or the half-consciousness, or xisuma all stiff and in pain, or the sleepy affection). and writing Doc like this has been sooooo fun.
Doc really is trying hard to grapple with something he doesn't quite understand or can't compartmentalize, and I spent a good and fair amount of time talking with shep about how xisuma and him might be interacting without the helmet on, what emotions might come into play, and how they might both navigate that situation. I like to joke that nobody understand xisuma/docsuma like I do but that absolutely cannot be true LMAOO I'm just crazy about him/them for no reason
auwawugh. sniffling really pathetically. I need to go lie down I think <3
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holly-fixation · 4 months ago
like on one hand a small part of me that shrivels and cries and evaporates at angst and hurt/no comfort wants to think "sephis dream tidbit is suffering from Dream Logic and that's why it's so stark and empty" (i don't remember their url but i think it was on thunglr someone was saying 'please god let this be like when you have a dream at your house but it's a walmart with a secret library your dad owns' kind of thing) and that he at least had a bed and maybe one bedside table for the world's worst glass of water. MAYBE he was just sitting on a crate because his 10000% sleep deprived brain interpreted heli chair as crate. maybe that crate is his only other piece of furniture help help help HELP
on the other hand that throats angst like it'll run away before i can have it: maybe he DID have a slightly less desolate room before episode 1 and part of his punishment is to be deprived of a room that isn't just a holding cell that maybe has a bed off screen but tbh i wouldn't put it past hojo to multitask with punishment and also "we need to see how little my perfect specimen can survive on so we know just how much it can be plopped somewhere to kill and we don't even need to hurry back for pick up" like sure he will concede seph needs to sleep, that's why there's still one shitty little blanket left in the FUCKING CHAMBER. SORRY ITS ALL HITTING ME but if there is anything off screen and for this fictional characters sake i hope there is some sleeping arrangement but episode 1 might have cost seph his cot or horrible hospital mattress on the floor on top of everything else.
i believe? it was altocat (hi i also come to your inbox to shout regularly LMAO) who mentioned that before seeing the dream the hc for sephs room was more like a glass box so he can be observed at all times and that is grotesque (eating it with my bare hands reveling in it enjoying pain) but with the dream room being a box with a single entrance/exit makes me feel sooooo much worse for seph if that truly is where he's kept. like he already knows he's being watched and observed and recorded at all times, but there's only one way in and out of the room and he has to watch everything and everyone come in and walk out of there and there's nothing he can do to stop them
and to cope his brain (or the jenova cells taking advantage of the depression weakness or the some other third thing I AM IN AAAAGGGOOONNNYYYY) take him back to the terrible room where nothing good has ever happened because it's the only constant he's had that isn't hurting him directly and overtly. and his mommy is there and loves him and when i think of it as "childish" it feels a bit wrong bc that usually comes with an insult but it really is just like..... first of all 14 is nearly infantile and he was NOT socialized as a kitten so his regulation is horrible at best and non-existent at reality but it really is just like. very young child self soothing.
and THEN!!!!! the fanon over the years being sephs very nice apartment in the shinra building but he never decorates and is hardly ever in it hurts so much more now. like of course he doesn't decorate HE HAD A BOX. HE DOESN'T GO IN THERE BECAUSE HES ONLY EVER HAD BOX. AAAA
also hahaha i saw your tags about not really having an idea of who i could be im new here and just like staying anon in boxes, thank u for allowing anon spots for me to wail in. ep 2 is going to smite me
Look I will fully admit the "dream logic" argument doesn't fly if Angeal's pink/purple haze dream is accepted as true.
Although this is the first time I've seen someone say the room might be a punishment and not his actual bedroom. But if it is a dream, why would it be in his punishment room and not his actual room? I don't know. But everything we learned about Sephiroth this episode hurts.
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kanemayfield · 5 years ago
Chivalry... A Rest In Peace Tutorial
It may not be dead... but it definitely could use some therapy and a green juice.
This was the BX around 2010 at 1am when i was staying by my cousins house and chasing a rap career.
I can't even re-tell this story in full, but I shall enumerate the 5 lessons of the day, and give my final thought like Jerry Springer. 
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1. If you are buying sammiches... at 1am... in the south bronx... let's not act like you are innocent. 
Bitch ain't nothing out this time of the night except the devil, people who met him, and busy bodies who too dumb to know better.
*yes... i know I'm out here... i met him... I'm Swayze
You're wearing a long tee shirt and knee-high boots... you're already out of line. You look like a fashionable ghost..
Unless you selling that rhubarb.
In which case your pimp or lady pimp.. or whoever answers the email on your OnlyFans page should have handled this sammich run. Doordash niggas look like berserker vikings for a reason.. they deal with creatures of the night. Like Spawn.. or Michael Jackson.
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2. If a gentleman of leisure walks into a sammich shop saying 
"Ayooo.. I just robbed me a nigga, turn dem cammas off so I can use deez creddy cars to buy shit"
AND is DEAD serious...
Making the lead poisoning at a young age face
You know the look... its a look of  
“I don't know math / how to spell / say words good, so instead I'd rather get kicked out of class... so im gonna flip this desk over and call the teacher a white bitch”
Yeah... that face.
Fuck yeah you should leave him alone if you cant scrap. PERIOD. Nothing about this mans life seems like it has prepared him for complex decision making or whatever goes through the mind of people who don't beat you up.
He just pointed a gun at the cashier of a sandwich shop he is NOT robbing as a way to accentuate his seriousness in using these cards to "spend gud money up in this mohfukka" and gesturing to all the stuff he wants to buy...
so he took a break to get your number...
its a compliment...
Be complimented and give him a fake number
Also this ain't tag team.. I don't know you OR him. Sun got on black air force 1's and NBA jeans and you shot him down like this is 2pm in Tribeca and none of that other shit is happening.
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Some of you only moved here post-gentrification. So let me help you. That particular pant and shoe combo is ONLY for people that demonstrate a proficiency sending you to the hospital. They are scary to the people you are already scared of. Remember the guy who mugged you? This is the guy who breaks in your muggers house and ties him up. The people who rob you have nightmares about people who wear this kind of shit.
So yeah... if he backs that thing out and I get hit in the crossfire and you DONT... my dying breath will be used to call you all types of bitches and dog headed bitches and stank hoes. I’m not an avenger. I'm high. I ain't sign up for the Kumite. Fuck you think this is. You selling that rhubarb or what?
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 3. You start wilding on that crazy dude like chivalry ain't dead and my mother knows who you are. Not only did you tell him he cant get ur number, but you did it like an offended drag queen with WILD observational insults and fashion critiques. Then u went hands on like a beat cop out of patience and started shoving a man with a GUN... fuck yeah I will let you get Worldstar’d.  I will watch said crazy nigga sweep your leg like Karate kid and I will go have a Pepsi. In fact, I will tell you to shut up all the screaming as I order extra fixings on my delicious sammich from Aki while chastising him for being distracted and say tandem Muslim prayer for you... high five'ing sun as I leave the scene of your accosting.
How do I sleep?
Like a fucking newborn.  
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4. Putting your hands in the face of a crazy nigga when you're clearly not interested in telling me how handsome I am does not provide much in the way of motivation, to go all Batman Begins on anybody
The last thing ANYONE wants to hear after taking a few lead poisoning strenth haymakers is
"aaww.. Naah, I'm into girls... but thank you sooooo much... muah 💋"
So fuck that... you should have winked at me when you walked in here. I’m not a mind reader. 
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5. Turning to me and Aki and saying
"yall just gonna let him put his hands on me?"
Yes.. yes I am.... technically YOU started it. I may say "is that lady bothering you sir".
I know... we as a people (but really men) should be responsible for each other and protect our queens from the systemic oppression that has befallen their kingdom of the re-emanipationings and its a vicious SYNDROME that will be galvination'd as we all gain footing on the mountain top of Dr King and the such and such and so forth...
All that leather brimless hats shit goes right the fuck out the window in the Bronx at 2am when you was technically trying your luck, like your life had a Contra cheat code on it.
"Oh.. yall some whole bitches... bitch ass men... ain't even help a WOMAN... how yall let him do me like this... im a WOMAAAANs"
Yeah... that don't make me feel bad sun
It makes me want to pull out my phone and see if I can find a RZA instrumental that has the BPM’s of your ass whipping. Need a good backdrop for the Kung Fu noises and sonic rings I plan on adding in post edit.
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This could have been avoided, but you wanted to make a stand... and you DID technically
Now we all know who's not allowed to ask for your phone number... mid robbery.... at 4am.... in a sammich shop... in the south bronx.
You are a wild cowboy... he was really being sweet... asking if you wanted anything and all that. His beef was with the dude who ain't wanna turn off the cameras for his theftwich (and probably Newport 100's) so he could use credit cards he just stole.
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There is a wallet deprived man blocks from here suffering from blunt force trauma that would have warned you that time is the only thing standing between this gentleman and ramen noodles with cut up beef jerky in it.
Think of the thought process behind a person like that... and he has a gun
and you want to call him all types of pussy ass niggas and fuckboy faggots and mush him in his subway series hat.
You are a crazy sob. You mushed a robber...mid robbery... or theftwich with extra hots....yeah.. not my problem. 
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MORAL TO THE STORY: If you are a woman... or a beautiful womanly man or whatever... and you are a "hands in the face" type, you might want to know how to fight. Personally, I am not a beater of wimmins, but nor am I a street vigilante. My heroics are on a case by case basis.
You slapped my girl cousin... which one?
Some of em might have had it coming. We are a mouthy tribe.
I don't go running off all willy nilly into trouble because a woman yells help... that's how Rosewood started. 
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Minding your business is a delicate process, like heart surgery, or pickpocketing. For moms and grandmoms I fight eternally, for sisters and close girl cousins.. until I get tired, but anything below that pay grade, you might want to call the cops, your man, your dad, the feller you are currently dutty whinin', a nosy neighbour, a less jaded person than me, or keep your opinions to yourself in a sandwich shop in the Bronx at 4:30am, cause I ain't helping you.
Unless (as we have covered) my mom knows you, or I think you will let me ladle that fondue as a parting gift. 
Emmett ... who ain't in it
See if Aki got a cold compress for that eye.
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jjungkookislife · 3 years ago
i just finished reading tongue like candy and i was going to look for a part 2 on your blog when i saw your pinned post and i have to apologize because i am one of those people who often only leave a like on posts and don't comment or reblog for reasons that my brain has justified as being okay BUT i think that has started to change and this is one way i can carry on with changing my mindset and interacting with others on here ..
sooooo i thought i should make this to show my appreciation for you ,, you very kind ,, wonderful ,, talented soul .. here goes a very long overdue ask driven by pure determination, procrastination, and sleep-deprivation (nursing school things) .. did i whip out google docs for this? maybe.. maybe not.. 👀
i have been following your blog for probably about two or three years now i think the first fic/series i ever read was your ot7 series let me hold them. it's a series i always re-read time and time again because each fic is so unique and your characterization is just mm *chefs kiss*
1. let me hold them: WHO WOULDNT WANT NAMKOOK TO BE GUSHING OVER THEM ?!?!1?!1 reader calling jungkook baby boy ?? stab me in the heart 😭😭 joon and reader purposefully riling up jungkook HNNGG
2. kim line: i would let kim line do whatever they want with me. joon set the standard too high bc i will now be expecting a whole taejin for every birthday and maybe if i wish for it long enough it'll happen 😏😏 no no i swear this one just makes me FEEL things and maybe that's just your description of their dicks but whatever it is it's working (just like their dicks) ahem .. anyway
3. in the studio: YOONGI IN THE STUDIO IS ALREADY HOT ENOUGH AS IT IS AND YET YOU SOMEHOW MADE IT EVEN HOTTER ???? and the way yoongi reciprocates the favor ?? UGH where do i find a man like him also i know i would not be able to just cockwarm yoongi like that i wouldn't even wait for him to finish what he's doing bc he can finish in me instead (ok im gonna stop)
im only three fics in but best believe i'll be carrying on with this someday and there will be more >:)) and when i say this ask is long overdue i mean that i could probably go through your whole masterlist and have something to say about them
anyway ,, sorry that it has taken me this long to write up one of these thank you for your works ,, just know that there is someone out there who reads them and appreciates them (and you) and that you have made a memorable impact in my life
i hope you have an amazing day and i hope your days are brighter from today on <33
- 🤍🤍
ps, you don't have to reply to this ask at all just knowing that you've read it would already be enough 😇😇
Hello! Thank you for coming by! I read your ask and smiled so much! It means a lot to me that you've come! Reading this ask made me so happy and giggly and if you did whip out google docs wow! <3
Two/three years is a long time! I'm glad you're here! aw lmht is my baby! It boggles my mind that I wrote all that in 9 months? I think that's right? it is my comfort series :(
LMHT oof namkook is everything! Jungkook just had the biggest crushes on oc and joon and ugh i love that fic <3 and oc calling him baby boy, my heart!
the kim line ah that's what truly kicked off the series! i was like well i mentioned it in LMHT so what if i write what happened and then i think I mention Yoongi at some point and it just grew and grew until all the members were involved <3 but yes taejin every birthday, here's hoping 😏
In the studio is one of those fics where i just had to indulge in my fantasies because wtf yoongi! and when he says "you think I'm going to allow you to leave my studio without you having an orgasm?" oof just wow he's so hot! and you're right! who could just stay still with him, like he's just so hot!
Thank you so much! this truly made my day and I appreciate you so much and I hope to hear from you again someday <3 thank you!!!!!
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georgeinamerc · 3 years ago
Okay so I’m safely at my destination (with my aunt and uncle) and I’m so fuckin tired 🥱 it’s only an hour time change but like I want to go to bed so bad I got 4 hours of sleep last night and I’m someone em who usually functions on like. 10 hours of sleep, sooooo I’m struggling
Do you have any favorite movie genres?? I was just thinking lol I’m currently rewatching the haunting of hill house (not a movie but an excellent horror-esc limited series) and it got me thinking 👀👀
-JC (hope you’re doing well)
YAYYY (i just realised u probably sent it a couple of hours ago but i saw it like rn idk what's up with tumblr💀)
I CAN ONLY IMAGINE BESTIE please take some rest!! OH MY GOD U SLEEP 10 HOURS A DAY??????? IM SO JEALOUS even when i don't have much to do I sleep so late and my good day's sleep is 5 hours tops🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️ like ok a little (not so) fun story, last year during my exams i would literally sleep at 3:30/4 am to revise and i would wake up at like 6:30 to get ready and go to take them LMAO i still don't know how i managed to do so well when i was so sleep deprived... but like i'm used to it so ig it didn't feel weird at that moment😐 plus i drink so much coffee- which is not good for me either, ✨healthy habits✨
OHHH LET ME THINK.... i love horror/thriller but mostly psychological, i don't like them to be too gory, i get the ick. Then, i also like romance too and i'm still not sure if i like drama THAT much. so these 2. What about you???
OKAY i was thinking of watching that show, and if you're saying it's excellent and horror , i should? Well now probs not but in like 3 weeks that i'll be done w exams.
I'm doing well, how are you feeling?? Did you manage to get some rest after all??
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